Fragments from Jan’s Private Channeling Session with Lucyna Lobos-Brown in Wroclaw, 02 June 2013
Questions are being answered through
Lucyna Lobos-Brown by the spiritual guardian of the Earth, Enki.
Translation from Polish into English:
Artur J. Domowicz with Mission Pharaoh
Greetings Jan, greetings Bill and Lucyna, especially Jan. I won’t say much in the introduction, because you know me already. I am ENKI. These christian religions have hidden me under this screen as the Holy Spirit, and only now the Holy Spirit is showing on Earth what needs to be shown. But you didn’t come the long way to me complaining Jan. You have questions that I will be answering, therefore am I, Enki, or the Holy Spirit if you want, listening to the first question.
The question is regarding Egypt. Is there a chance for us to go this year to Egypt, as it was said in the sessions, that five to twelve, in October, or in November, we will make it before Planet-X returns to Earth, when it will be close?
There is still a lot of time until October, November, Jan. Now we want to start the work on Ślęża, to make it public, to make it very public. And then everything else will go very smoothly, one thing after the other.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. About our wonderful pope, is this an energy from Sirius?
No, he is under our supervision. Francis was chosen by the Holy Spirit Jan. And the Holy Spirit is supervising every of his speeches, his steps. The Holy Spirit has answered the the cardinals prayer. The cardinals were praying to the Holy Spirit for a wise choice, and so this wise decision has been made, and Francis is from Orion.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. I have a question regarding the communion wafers. They are laying in a golden vessel. Is it an opportunity for nano-particles to get into the communion wafers, so that people can get some of these gold particles during communion, so that the gold in their bodies can be supplemented?
Yes, that is true and the priests know very well about this. They’re are dumb people, they know, they have a vast knowledge about it, that there is a gold element in the human body, and they also know that it should be supplemented. The fact that there are micro-particles in such a communion wafer is another story, it’s as if you would smear such a wafer with a bracelet and eat it then. It is a too little amount to feel good, even if you would eat day in and day out these wafers. Because in order to enhance the well-being, and to supplement this most important element of the body you have to intake much greater amounts of gold, but it is true.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. I would like to ask, before the word descended to Earth, meaning your brother, you have both left the Earth. In which country are your bodies buried, your and Enlils remains?
Not country, we returned to the planet Orion, meaning: To Aszun, we didn’t die on Earth Jan. So there can’t be any of our tombs on Earth. I can only say where we were landing, where a bigger landing site was, on Madagascar. I can show you today the spot, until this day there aren’t any larger premises, only native settlements in little depth. All it would take is to dig a little, and you would find the ruins of our first housing, and on it a large, large landing site. Just in case someone is curious and would like to get interested in this. And Wójcikiewicz, meaning: Andrzej, the one who is calling himself the president of mission Cheops, should take these earthly angels with him, go to Madagascar and dig there, instead of traveling around the world and building these ridiculous windmills, because that is ridiculous. He is very hungry for fame, so he will get it, because nobody ever dug there. Because they don’t know where the landing site of the first re-settlers to Earth was, meaning: Us. That is also just in case somebody is curious about this Jan.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. I would like to ask about the Gospel according to John, in John 16:28, where Jesus says: “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father”. I understand here that it is about introduce to people that the mechanism of the incarnation exists, even though the priests tried to remove everything from the scripture that mentions the incarnation. Jesus is saying that he came from the father into the world, and that he is again, meaning that he is coming another time, a next time, to the world. Can people who want to believe that Jesus was once on Earth already understand it here that way? Do I understand that correctly?
You are understanding correctly. These are clear words of incarnation. Right now we are both with the father, who has send us first to the Earth in order to learn something, but to the Nibirian Earth. Then we came here to the Earth and started this development, this life. After finishing our mission we returned, we didn’t die Jan, but we left the Earth in order to live a little longer on Orion, and then we died on our Earth, leaving our body of course. And now we are here as spiritual beings. In the meantime, Enlil, my brother, was on Earth as Jesus, and our half-sister, and I was also one time in physical form on Earth. But now we are waiting for better times, in order to incarnate on Earth again.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. I would like to ask about the book of Zechariah, where it is written about two olive trees. Word for word it says (Zechariah 4. The Gold Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees): 11 Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? 12 And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? 13 And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. 14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the LORD of the whole earth. Based on this text I would like to ask, here it is clearly talking about two sons of god, you as the Holy spirit and Jesus. According to the encyclopedia the Anointed one is the son.
That is right.
It is a confirmation that Jesus isn’t the only son of god, which the priests are talking about every Sunday in Church.
That is right Jan, these two Anointed ones are we, and god is our father, and he has send us first to learn our lessons, and then to the Earth. Together with the father the Universe, other Galaxies, Earths were created. Then also the time has come when we had to fulfill our missions regarding mankind, we have been called that way, “the anointed ones”, and according to the words of the bible, there are three: God the father, son of god one and son of god two. And the fact that they made the Holy Spirit out of me, well. But today I am very happy about that Jan, because now the Holy Spirit will have it’s merits, and he has his people here on Earth.
Thank you for the answer. I would like to ask about the book of Job 26:05, where it says: Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.
And I would like to ask if this is about the underground world, or if there is more information contained here.
The dead world. Only in certain parts of the Earth Jan, not everywhere, there is a so called life of human beings. I won’t be saying, giving exact location where they are, because all kinds of treasure hunters would gather. It is in the Indian Ocean. These underground parts you can call evacuation bases, just in case, in case gods wrath will increase. But the mighty of this world won’t hide out there, leaving the little men behind on the surface. Justice will reach everyone, and like my brother Jesus said: When he will come to bring the settlement of the divine, then neither the water, nor the mountains, nor the Earth will hide, cover them. Everyone will be held accountable, held responsible for his/her life.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. I would like to ask about the ten commandments. Not long ago there was a debate in the media about which one is more important, the civil law or gods law. Here I came across something, and I would like to ask if I understand it correctly. For example, the president is signing some document in America, and it is saying, here the president of America, president Barack Obama for example, here we have the ten commandments, that it was in the commandments, but the church has lifted it, that gods holiday is Saturday, and god has signed it. If the church has lifted the commandment, then the remaining commandments automatically have no legal status, because there is no signature of the one who has released this regulation. Do I understand that correctly? The priests are changing and doing as they please with these commandments.
That is what they are doing Jan, and there really is one commandment, you don’t need ten. It goes like this: “Love your neighbor the way you love yourself”. Once you will respect, love your neighbor, you will have everything already, you don’t need other commandments. Since people haven’t understood this one commandment during the times of Moses, Moses asked god to elaborate these words, and that is when additional points have been added. And the fact that priests are changing things around as they please, well. That is a question of time, and a common law will be in affect all around the world, one law. There won’t be ten commandments, there will be one godly commandment: “Love your neighbor the way you love yourself”. God also doesn’t like the pompous doings in the temples, the building of altars, the sculptures. I am asking, to what level has god been reduced? Where is he? He isn’t there, there are sculptures, there are paintings, there are pompous altars, but there is no god Jan. Gods rights that are due will be restored, just a little while.
I am listening.
Thank you for the answer. I have here another question regarding these commandments. Please help me understand for what reason the same commandments are written in the “book of exodus” and in the “Deuteronomy”, and these texts are different. Is it’s purpose to make us argue and not come to an understanding? Or does it have a different purpose?
Do you know where the true, original bible is Jan?
In the Vatican, in a safe.
It is in the Vatican, in a safe, you are right. The bible that is out right now, do you know how many times it has been changed? Very often. Jan, it is true, they keep changing it so that you can keep arguing, discuss it, they keep changing the bible so that you won’t understand it.
I am listening.
I have a common conclusions regarding these commandments that are found in the “book of exodus” and in the “Deuteronomy”, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I came to the conclusion that these commandments don’t say anything about gatherings/meetings, and to me, the most important thing about these commandments is that people should start to use their reason. This should be a day when people sit down to reflect, to think about their behavior, to respect their relationship with god, to do something good for another person.
And that is just this commandment, “love your neighbor the way you love yourself”, and the true god can be found everywhere. You are right Jan, but in order to get to such a way of thinking, which you are talking about, you would have to have at least remnants of reason, and only a very small amount of people has this remnant reason, because it will take a lot of time for mankind to have real reason, it takes a lot of teachings. Yes, you can be with god everywhere, everyday, you don’t have to impose the way the church did, holidays which should then be ordained, because god wants it that way too, no! God wants for people to love him Jan, and it will be so.